• Methods in Social Epidemiology :J. Michael Oakes (Editor), Jay S. Kaufman (Editor) : Publisher , John Wiley & Sons
  • Fundamentals of Clinical Trials: Authors: Friedman, Lawrence M., Furberg , Curt D., DeMets , David : Publisher, Springer
  • Modern epidemiology: Rothman, Kenneth J.: Publisher : Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
  • Epidemiology: an introduction: Rothman, Kenneth J.: Publisher : Oxford University Press
  • Logistic regression : a self-learning text:  Kleinbaum ,David G.: Publisher: Springer
  • Survival analysis :a self-learning text:  Kleinbaum ,David G.: Publisher: Springer
  • Epidemiology : beyound the basics: Szklo ,M. ( Moyses): Publisher : Jones and bartlett Publishers
  • مطالعات ثانویه : کتاب دکتر حقدوست
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